
Showing posts from April, 2020

These drones could be the disruption needed in a global supply​​​ 2020

These drones could be the disruption needed in a global supply chainthat has been largely unchanged since the 1950's. Getting large shipments of products across large distances isdifficult.  That's why Malcolm McLean created the shipping containerin 1956. This standardize the shipping industry and allowed shipping to scalein ways that weren't possible before. For a typical product that is being shipped from overseas and thenreceived within the United States, that would involve trucking, oceanfreights, in some cases we're seeing the emergence of more rail beingused as it's becoming a more reliable mode of transportation. But now, with programs like Amazon's one-day shipping, consumers arelooking for goods to get to them faster. That means the standard shipping methods – ships and trucks – have tobe re-evaluated. There is a seemingly insatiable demand for things right away byconsumers and that just keeps growing and people become increasinglyimpossible over tim